Strategic alignment

Strategic alignment with government reports

The NHS is facing increasing resource challenges; by 2030 it is estimated that there will be around 15 million people in the UK over the age of 65*. Whilst we can be proud of the role that the healthcare industry has played in increasing life expectancy, this brings both opportunities and challenges to continue to improve patient outcomes and to increase patient satisfaction. A growing and ageing population also continues to add to the financial challenges facing our healthcare system, and with an estimated funding gap of around £30bn by 2020**, the NHS also needs to find ways to reduce the total cost of care.

A Department of Health report*** led by Lord Carter of Coles addresses these challenges with findings that aim to help the NHS improve efficiency and quality of care for patients, whilst reducing cost.

We believe our partnership model which is organised around streamlining patient pathways and improving the allocation of assets and resources is strategically aligned with the Lord Carter report.  Peninsula Heart Clinic aims to implement many of the key recommendations of the report on the imperative of improving efficiency and quality in the delivery of healthcare services, and by so doing, provide a blueprint for success to other NHS Trusts.

*Mid-2016 Population Estimates UK Office for National Statistics, 2017
**NHS England, 2018
***Operational productivity and performance in English NHS acute hospitals: Unwarranted variations, Lord Carter (2016)

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